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Take the output from a call to make_banners, populate a spreadsheet with the banner data, format/stylize it in the SurveyMonkey research format, and save it locally. Currently allows for up to one level of nesting in columns.


  title = "Main",
  file.overwrite = TRUE,
  file.append = FALSE,
  drive.folder.path = NULL,
  drive.overwrite = TRUE, = "Main",
  logo = NULL, = TRUE,
  include.dates = TRUE,
  date.var = "response_date",
  weight.var = NULL,



output list from a call to make_banners().


title of the tab/sheet.


local file path to save banners as .xlsx file.


whether or not to overwrite the file specified at file.path; otherwise keep both and update the file path.


whether or not to append the current tab to the file specified at file.path if it exists; if there is already a tab with the name specified, update the tab name.

name of the tab/sheet to populate.

whether or not to include the Margin of Error for the survey in the banner headers.


whether or not to include the date range for survey responses in the banner headers.


if include.dates is set to TRUE, the date variable to look for in the data used to create banners.output.


the column in the data used to create banners.output corresponding to weights for the Margin of Error estimate.


a fully formatted spreadsheet in the form of an openxlsx object.


if (FALSE) { ## not run
# Prepare data for banners
ev22.coded = ev22 %>%
    ## code/label categorical variables
    age3 = recode(age,
                  "18-34" = 18 %thru% 34 ~ 1, 
                  "35-64" = 35 %thru% 64 ~ 2, 
                  "65+"   = 65 %thru% hi ~ 3),
    gender  = recode(gender,
                     "Male"   = 1 ~ 1,
                     "Female" = 2 ~ 2),
    income3 = recode(as.numeric(income),
                     "<$50k"     = 1 %thru% 3 ~ 1,
                     "$50k-100k" = 4 %thru% 5 ~ 2,
                     ">$100k"    = 6 %thru% 7 ~ 3,
                     "No answer" = 8 ~ 4),
    educ2 = recode(as.numeric(education),
                   "<HS-College" = 1 %thru% 4 ~ 1,
                   ">College"    = 5 %thru% 6 ~ 2),
    purchase = recode(purchase,
                      "Purchased new"                            = 1 ~ 1,
                      "Purchased used (non-certified pre-owned)" = 2 ~ 2,
                      "Purchased used (certified pre-owned)"     = 3 ~ 3,
                      "Leased new"                               = 4 ~ 4,
                      "Leased used"                              = 5 ~ 5,
                      "Other"                                    = 6 ~ 6),
    vehage = recode(vehage,
                    "Less than 1 year old"   = 1 ~ 1,
                    "1 - 2 years old"        = 2 ~ 2,
                    "3 - 5 years old"        = 3 ~ 3,
                    "6 - 10 years old"       = 4 ~ 4,
                    "More than 10 years old" = 5 ~ 5),
    vehcost = recode(vehcost,
                     "Under $5,000"      = 1 ~ 1,
                     "$5,000 - $9,999"   = 2 ~ 2,
                     "$10,000 - $19,999" = 3 ~ 3,
                     "$20,000 - $29,999" = 4 ~ 4,
                     "$30,000 - $39,999" = 5 ~ 5,
                     "$40,000 - $49,999" = 6 ~ 6,
                     "$50,000 - $59,999" = 7 ~ 7,
                     "$60,000 or more"   = 8 ~ 8),
    ## label multi-response variables
    ## note: make sure to re-code dichotomous "one-hot encoded" columns into distinct level
    ev_heard_1 = recode(ev_heard_1, "Audi e-tron" = 1 ~ 1),
    ev_heard_2 = recode(ev_heard_2, "BMW i3" = 1 ~ 2),
    ev_heard_3 = recode(ev_heard_3, "Cadillac LYRIQ" = 1 ~ 3),
    ev_heard_4 = recode(ev_heard_4, "Chevrolet Bolt" = 1 ~ 4),
    ev_heard_5 = recode(ev_heard_5, "Faraday Future" = 1 ~ 5),
    ev_heard_6 = recode(ev_heard_6, "Fisker" = 1 ~ 6),
    ev_heard_7 = recode(ev_heard_7, "Hyundai Electric" = 1 ~ 7),
    ev_heard_8 = recode(ev_heard_8, "Jaguar I-Pace" = 1 ~ 8),
    ev_heard_9 = recode(ev_heard_9, "Kia Niro EV" = 1 ~ 9),
    ev_heard_10 = recode(ev_heard_10, "Lucid Motors" = 1 ~ 10),
    mech_factors_1 = recode(mech_factors_1, "Price / affordability" = 1 ~ 1),
    mech_factors_2 = recode(mech_factors_2, "Convenience" = 1 ~ 2),
    mech_factors_3 = recode(mech_factors_3, "Trust / relationship" = 1 ~ 3),
    mech_factors_4 = recode(mech_factors_4, "Availability" = 1 ~ 4),
    sub_services_1 = recode(sub_services_1, "In-car internet" = 1 ~ 1),
    sub_services_2 = recode(sub_services_1, "Remote car start capability" = 1 ~ 2),
    sub_services_3 = recode(sub_services_1, "Live traffic / navigation" = 1 ~ 3),
    sub_services_4 = recode(sub_services_1, "In-vehicle safety and security" = 1 ~ 4),
    sub_services_5 = recode(sub_services_1, "Multiple driver profiles" = 1 ~ 5),
    sub_services_6 = recode(sub_services_1, "Cloud dash cam monitoring" = 1 ~ 6),
    sub_services_7 = recode(sub_services_1, "Car software updates" = 1 ~ 7),
    sub_services_8 = recode(sub_services_1, "AI- and self-driving capabilities" = 1 ~ 8),
    sub_services_9 = recode(sub_services_1, "Car-only media and streaming services" = 1 ~ 9),
    sub_services_10 = recode(sub_services_1, "Heated seats" = 1 ~ 10)
  ) %>%
  apply_labels(gender         = "Gender",
               age3           = "Age: 3 categories",
               educ2          = "Education",
               income3        = "Income",
               vehage         = "How old is your main vehicle?",
               vehcost        = "In total, how much did you pay to buy or lease your main vehicle?",
               purchase       = "How did you purchase or lease your main vehicle?",
               ## note: for multiresponse variables, only need to name one column
               ev_heard_1     = "Which of the following electric vehicles have you heard of?",
               mech_factors_1 = "Select the top 3 factors that are most important to you when selecting an auto repair provider:",
               sub_services_1 = "Which of the following services would you be willing to pay a recurring subscription for in a car?") 
# Make and save banners  
ev22.banners <- ev22.coded %>%
  make_banners(row.vars            = list("purchase","vehage","ev_heard*",c("mech_factors_1","mech_factors_2","mech_factors_3","mech_factors_4")), 
               col.vars            = list("age3","educ2",c("sub_services_1","sub_services_2","sub_services_3","sub_services_4")), 
               weight.var          = "weight_genpop", 
               date.var            = "response_date", 
               total.row.position  = "below", 
               preview             = TRUE) %>%
  write_banners(file.path          = "ev22.xlsx",
                file.overwrite     = TRUE,
                title              = "Electric Vehicles Study",
                logo               = "mntv") %>%
  upload_banners(drive.overwrite   = TRUE,
          = "EVs Crosstabs",
                 drive.folder.path = "")