Soubhik Barari


I regularly give talks (both in industry and academia) on technical topics in data science, surveys, text-as-data, and experiments, and substantive topics in media, elections, public opinion, and political behavior. Below is a selection of some of these talks.

If you’re interested in having me speak for your organization/event or guest lecture for your class, let's get in touch (soubhik barari [at] gmail [dot] com).


Three Models for Learning Data Science Skills (17 Jul 2024)
IC2S2 (International Computational Social Science Conference), University of Pennsylvania.
slides   site  

Combining Data from Multiple Sources (Examples from the National Center for Health Statistics Rapid Survey System) (17 May 2024)
AAPOR 2024 (Panel on Methodological Advancements in Using Multiple Probability Panels in the Collection of Official Statistics), Atlanta, Georgia.

Political Speech from Corporate America: Sparse, Mostly for Democrats, and Somewhat Representative (04 Jun 2024)
ICWSM (International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media), Buffalo, NY.
slides   paper  

LocalView: Scaling up the Study of Local Politics and Policy-Making in the United States (05 Feb 2024)
Social Data Science Hub, University of Edinburgh.


LocalView: Scaling up the Analytics of Local Politics with R (19 Oct 2023)
R Gov Conference 2023, Georgetown University.
video   dashboard  

Has American Business Turned Left? (26 Jul 2023)
The Science of Politics Podcast, Niskanen Center.
transcript   audio  

The A(R)t and Science of Election Analytics (07 Jun 2023)
New York Open Statistical Programming Meetup, Microsoft NYC.
slides   video  

Coverage and Effects of Broadcast Television in U.S. Elections (04 May 2023)
Media Effects Empirical Workshop, Columbia University.

What 2 Million Social Media Posts From Corporate America Can Tell Us About "Woke Capitalism" (11 Feb 2023)
Foo Camp, Facebook HQ.
slides   paper  


Partisan Cues from Corporate America: Sparse, Increasingly Liberal, and Aligned with (Some) Audiences (17 Jun 2022)
Political and Computational Social Science (PACSS) Annual Conference, Harvard University.
slides   paper  


How Partisan is Local Politics? A View from Public Meetings (29 Apr 2021)
Guest Lecture, Tufts University.
slides   paper  

Political Deepfakes Are As Credible As Other Fake Media And (Sometimes) Real Media (23 Apr 2021)
Political Psych Lab, UCLA.
slides   paper   pre-registration  


Evaluating COVID-19 Public Health Messaging in Italy: Self-Reported Compliance and Growing Mental Health Concerns (13 Apr 2020)
Polarization Lab, Stanford.
slides   paper  

Local Politics and Big Data (07 Feb 2020)
Foo Camp, Facebook HQ.


Deepfakes and Political Persuasion (02 Feb 2019)
Foo Camp, Facebook HQ.
slides   paper   pre-registration  


The Reconciliation of Numbers and Narratives (12 May 2016)
TEDx, Tufts.