Soubhik Barari*

Soubhik Barari

About Me

Hello! I'm a quantitative social scientist and data scientist.

Currently, I am a Quantitative Social Scientist at NORC at the University of Chicago, working on applied problems at the intersection of survey methodology and data science. I am also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Political Science at Columbia University. I am trained as a political scientist with substantive expertise in media, political communication, public opinion, and elections.

I hold a Ph.D. in Political Science and an A.M. in Statistics from Harvard and a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Tufts. Previously, I've worked in research and data science roles at SurveyMonkey and Microsoft Research.

I write about politics, data, and social science for a Substack newsletter called Somewhat Unlikely.

I'm currently based in NYC. If you're in the area, let's grab coffee some time.

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*Pronounced šó bɪ́k  .